Last 32 Achtelfinale Viertelfinale Halbfinale Finale
L64_01 Chris Schmidt 3
L64_02 stoonyy 0
L32_01 Chris Schmidt 3
L32_02 Carsten 0
L64_03 Kalle 1
L64_04 Carsten 3
AF1 Chris Schmidt 4
AF2 Flying Stub 1
L64_05 TheBigBM 0
L64_06 Flying Stub 1
L32_03 Flying Stub 3
L32_04 John 1
L64_07 Pillendreher 0
L64_08 John 3
VF1 Chris Schmidt 5
VF2 The Ambitious 0
L64_09 The Ambitious 3
L64_10 Itchi 0
L32_05 The Ambitious 3
L32_06 Studi 0
L64_11 Studi 3
L64_12 Skipper 2
AF3 The Ambitious 4
AF4 Tetris 3
L64_13 ES194 3
L64_14 frankthetank77 0
L32_07 ES194 0
L32_08 Tetris 3
L64_15 Tetris 3
L64_16 Reini 0
HF1 Chris Schmidt 5
HF2 Mario180 2
L64_17 Schwerti1411 3
L64_18 Snej 0
L32_09 Schwerti1411 1
L32_10 Longman 3
L64_19 Longman 3
L64_20 Bursche 0
AF5 Longman 1
AF6 Mario180 4 Spiel um Platz 3
L64_21 Semmel 3
HF1V The Ambitious 5
L64_22 Daniel Hager 0
L32_11 Semmel 2 HF2V Andi_Nervous_One 2
L32_12 Mario180 3
L64_23 Mario180 3
L64_24 Pik107 0
VF3 Mario180 4
VF4 Andi_Nervous_One 0
L64_25 Metzi2708 3
L64_26 Fabian.K 1
L32_13 Metzi2708 3
L32_14 IckeM 0
L64_27 IckeM 3
L64_28 DB82 2
AF7 Metzi2708 1
AF8 Andi_Nervous_One 4
L64_29 The BxXx 3
L64_30 SvenHH 1
L32_15 The BxXx 0
L32_16 Andi_Nervous_One 3
L64_31 Pyro_Mania_21 0
L64_32 Andi_Nervous_One 3